Acline Air Conditioning

Two more months of using the fireplace

Two more months of using the fireplace

I’m pretty gleeful with my last power bill I just got for $155 for the two month billing period. Last year at this time I got a whopping $600 power bill for my little flat for two months. Maybe this doesn’t sound like a lot in the States, but over here in Europe it was

Contine Reading

Dogs and media air cleaners all around

Dogs and media air cleaners all around

I feel my pal and I have more cats than ever now in this town. It seems like when I go out I see more cats walking than people, but I feel that is how it is in this town so I just need to accept it. I like cats, but when you go out

Contine Reading

Playing songs for the local company in town

Playing songs for the local company in town

I wonder how much I could acquire a month if I played songs seven days a week. I would like to try it for one month just to see how it feels and how much my pal and I can make. I would say I could make enough to cover all of my bills for

Contine Reading

Songs plus heating component repair

Songs plus heating component repair

What is this pull of music that consumes my mind so much? What is it that draws people to someone singing as opposed to them just talking? I don’t absolutely know, but I do know that music is a rabbit hole that I am falling into plus I like falling further plus further down the

Contine Reading

Six heating devices to write about

Six heating devices to write about

Jeez, my hands have been chilly all afternoon long as I try to write these articles. I am waiting for 6pm to come because my business is having a shareholders meeting to increase stock sales so they can begin production plus the stock is going to go silly tonight. It could drop way down or

Contine Reading

Getting some air conditioner repair soon

Getting some air conditioner repair soon

“We’re leaving in five minutes!” I can still hear those words of my mom echo in my mind some 45 years later. She would say it in the day when getting ready to take us to middle school on her way to work each day. That just reminds me of how strenuous momma worked to

Contine Reading

One small step to cooling down

One small step to cooling down

I’m not sure if I am ready for this afternoon yet, however I know the afternoon doesn’t wait for me, so I will just plow ahead as well as make this thing happen. I find when I am feeling sluggish in the afternoon the best thing is to just beginning working as well as not

Contine Reading

Making tunes at the heating dealership

Making tunes at the heating dealership

Well, our band now has a locale to practice inside when the weather is not agreeing with us. Sometimes my friend and I want to play outside but it is either too frosty or too rainy out to play. Today is one of those days as it looks like my friend and I are going

Contine Reading

Getting some air conditioning service soon

Getting some air conditioning service soon

She is still alive as well as healthy as well as I easily hope my friend and I can share more memories together before he leaves us. “We’re leaving in five minutes!” I can still hear those words of my mom echo in my mind some 45 years later. She would say it in the

Contine Reading

One small step to cooling down

One small step to cooling down

I’m not sure if I am ready for this day yet, although I know the day doesn’t wait for me, so I will just plow ahead plus make this thing happen. I find when I am feeling sluggish in the day the best thing is to just start working plus not judge any of it.

Contine Reading

WIFI thermostat keeping us cool

WIFI thermostat keeping us cool

It is time to go grab that cologne from the store that I can’t remember the location of. This neighborhood is pretty small though plus it can only be on a few streets, so I will go around neighborhood plus look down the streets till I find the site. I will shell out $30 for

Contine Reading

Eight oil furnace tasks to do

Eight oil furnace tasks to do

I have a busy week next week, so this week I am kind of getting ahead with my other work so I can focus on what I have to do that week. This week is Wednesday plus I am going to get my work done for the week before Friday arrives so I have a

Contine Reading

Husband double checks HVAC work before they leave

Husband double checks HVAC work before they leave

I really try my best to be a kind and considerate human with everything that I do in my life. I never want to make anybody feel bad or to put them in a negative position. I do try to be respectful and conscientious of every human on this planet. In short, I never want

Contine Reading

My love language is “HVAC”

My love language is “HVAC”

Sometimes I laugh when people start talking about things like their romantic love language. I mean, don’t we all like to have a fairly even mix of gift-giving, physical attention, and quality time together? It seems silly to me that these conversations need to be had between partners. If you aren’t regularly spending time together

Contine Reading

So glad my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

So glad my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

When people start telling me about their pets I have to admit that I completely zone out. It’s not that I dislike animals or domesticated pets… But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the animals that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the animals that

Contine Reading

Broken hotel HVAC showed me that partner cared

Broken hotel HVAC showed me that partner cared

I really tried to lay down and go to sleep, but I was so uncomfortable because of the heat and humidity that I nearly started to cry I guess that when you grow up in a rough household you have a rough outlook on life. This is what I’m realizing with every passing day as

Contine Reading

Allergies get in the way of dating

Allergies get in the way of dating

My friends and family are always joking about my lifestyle. I guess that they find it very funny that I tend to live alone and keep to myself in the comfort of my own home. If you ask me, there’s nothing weird about this preference for being alone and having control over your indoor environment.

Contine Reading

Leave lunch by the AC unit instead of the fridge

Leave lunch by the AC unit instead of the fridge

When I was working in an office I definitely didn’t appreciate the environment. I’m a lot happier being at home, and the comfort and safety of my own home these days. I know that my heating and cooling system does a fine job keeping me safe from the outdoor elements. Besides that, I keep all

Contine Reading

Fake HVAC technology is keeping them safe – trump rally

Fake HVAC technology is keeping them safe – trump rally

This pandemic shit is getting crazier and crazier, am I right? For the past several months everyone has been losing their minds about this viral outbreak ruining the entire world… And then the United States decided to just pretend it wasn’t happening. Let’s reopen! Everything will be fine! Man, has it been a dumpster fire

Contine Reading

Bought wife an AC window unit for the office

Bought wife an AC window unit for the office

For the past several months my wife and I have both been working from home due to the global pandemic. Our jobs officially close the offices from March until June so we were happily working from home together for that long duration of time. At first, it definitely took some adjusting for us to get

Contine Reading

“As long as you’re stopping by”

“As long as you’re stopping by”

All of a sudden, it seemed like my favorite people on the planet were more concerned about their central air conditioning units and furnaces then actually spending time with me when I arrived at their homes I really enjoy seeing my friends and family but I feel as though I’ve been unable to spend as

Contine Reading

Work more efficiently, make more money

Work more efficiently, make more money

My entire life I’ve realized that I’m not the sort who should have a traditional job. I can’t handle the idea of reporting somewhere 9 to 5 everyday based on somebody else’s schedule. I’m happiest when I have personal freedom and that includes being my own boss. At a minimum, I know that I’m not

Contine Reading

Being a hotel loyalty member means getting the best room

Being a hotel loyalty member means getting the best room

I’m the first person to admit that I think all of these company loyalty programs are getting a bit out of hand. These days, you can declare your loyalty to just about any brand on Earth and supposedly you get some kind of benefit in return. I’m absolutely blown away by how many strange customer

Contine Reading

Looking for second job in preparation for winter

Looking for second job in preparation for winter

Well the time has come. It’s nearly July which means that I need to be lining up my second job for the winter. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those people who can work one full-time job all year and comfortably get by. Now, you might be thinking that I’m talking about getting a second job

Contine Reading

Made my own gym, I’m not going back out there

Made my own gym, I’m not going back out there

All of these people who have been talking about putting on a “quarantine 15” have been making me laugh pretty hard. First of all, I appreciate the funny pun about weight gain when you’re trapped indoors. Secondly, though, it points out a major discrepancy in people’s thinking. For some reason, you can only work out

Contine Reading

My prefer language is “HVAC”

My prefer language is “HVAC”

Sometimes I laugh when people start talking about things like their romantic prefer language. I mean, don’t my friend and I all like to have a fairly even mix of gift-giving, physical attention, and quality time together? It seems deranged to me that these conversations need to be had between partners. If you are not

Contine Reading

So blissful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

So blissful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

When people start telling me about their pets I have to admit that I completely zone out. It’s not that I don’t like creatures or domesticated pets… But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the creatures that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the creatures

Contine Reading

Looking for second job in preparation for winter

Looking for second job in preparation for winter

This means, you are going to deal with sky high daily bills all season long. Well the time has come. It’s nearly July which means that I need to be lining up my second job for the winter, but unluckyly, I am not one of those people who can toil one full-time job all year

Contine Reading

“As long as you’re stopping by”

“As long as you’re stopping by”

I particularly care about seeing my friends plus family although I feel as though I’ve been unable to spend as much time with them as I would like lately. Frankly, I am just burnt out plus I cannot kneel the idea of making yet another heating plus cooling service service fit into my schedule. I

Contine Reading

Work more efficiently, make more currency

Work more efficiently, make more currency

My entire life I’ve realized that I am not the sort who should have a traditional task. I cannot handle the idea of reporting someplace 9 to 5 everyday based on somebody else’s schedule. I am happiest when I have personal freedom plus that includes being my own boss. At a minimum, I know that

Contine Reading