Getting an interior designer to stage a cabin flip

Getting an interior designer to stage a cabin flip

My brother as well as I are in the cabin flipping business, we buy up out of date homes, do some major renovations, as well as sell them for a profit. We have to stay up-to-date with new trends. We also find cool, edgy things people are doing. We have done penny tile, the paint

Contine Reading

Heating, Ventilation, and A/C in our camper

Heating, Ventilation, and A/C in our camper

In their previous camper this was an issue and my mother-in-law would need both the air conditioning system and a box fan blowing to even get the slightest bit comfortable to go to sleep My in-laws just got a brand current camper. They travel a lot and have invested in not only a current camper

Contine Reading

Long drives

Long drives

Working almost an hour away from my home use to drive me crazy. This wasn’t because of the traffic or the fact that I had to wake up two hours earlier just to make sure I was arriving on time. The real issue was the fact that my vehicle had a terrible A/C unit. It

Contine Reading

Allergies get in the way of dating

Allergies get in the way of dating

My friends in addition to family are always joking about my lifestyle, however i feel that they find it absolutely funny that I tend to live alone in addition to keep to myself in the comfort of my own home. If you ask me, there’s nothing weird about this preference for being alone in addition

Contine Reading

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

I love long road trips. The idea of going cross country and sleeping in either tents or old university motels seems almost charming to me. That was until I heard about one terrible experience my associate had while driving up north and then back down again. Apparently her car’s a/c is a bit touchy. It

Contine Reading

Write a book about sharks and furnace repairs

Write a book about sharks and furnace repairs

My friends tell me to write a book about my life because of all of the crazy things that happened in it. I don’t really feel like writing a book though, but maybe one day when I am an old man I will have the desire to do so. I feel like I’m not done

Contine Reading

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Due to the increase in bodies along with the fact they were now driving down in the middle of the day, the A/C had decided to be a bit of a pain and completely stop working while they were stuck in a traffic jam just a few hours away from home I love long road

Contine Reading

Tour de cottages – best heating goes to…

Tour de cottages – best heating goes to…

I know I have a concern with making decisions. I’m not good at pulling the trigger on things, plus I tend to rely on other people to reinforce my decisions before I make a move. This might be a good thing in some circumstances, but it also causes me to procrastinate a good deal. Unluckyly,

Contine Reading

Finding a solution that works for all the people.

Finding a solution that works for all the people.

Oftentimes this means making structural swings or upgrading things like plumbing, electrical plus HVAC to make the arena comfortable for all the people involved. In this day in time numerous people in their mid to late fifties plus beyond are faced with caring for aging parents. This can be a easily difficult task depending on

Contine Reading

Unproper indicator that the heat is coming on

Unproper indicator that the heat is coming on

When our up-to-date furnace was installed we were amazed at how quiet it was. My associate and I were used to hearing the drone of the aged on each time it kicked on plus now we hear nothing. It is a superb feature but sometimes I wonder if it is one or not. There is

Contine Reading

So glad my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

So glad my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

When people start telling me about their pets I have to admit that I completely zone out. It’s not that I dislike animals or domesticated pets… But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the animals that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the animals that

Contine Reading

WIFI thermostat keeping us cool

WIFI thermostat keeping us cool

It is time to go grab that cologne from the store that I can’t remember the location of. This neighborhood is pretty small though plus it can only be on a few streets, so I will go around neighborhood plus look down the streets till I find the site. I will shell out $30 for

Contine Reading

Crazy cold swim and some hot water heater help

Crazy cold swim and some hot water heater help

I just took one of the coldest swims of my life. The waves were big today and there was no sun, and with an outside temp of 35F with the wind it took all I had to go in that sea. I couldn’t wear my knit hat because I knew the waves would topple over

Contine Reading

Looking for second task in preparation for winter

Looking for second task in preparation for winter

This means, you’re going to deal with sky high energy bills all season long. Well the time has come. It’s nearly July which means that I need to be lining up my second task for the winter! Unfortunately, I am not one of those people who can toil one full-time task all year plus comfortably

Contine Reading

Extremely old HVAC is annoying

Extremely old HVAC is annoying

I recently just started a new part time job working at a local theatre downtown. It is a historic theatre that has been around for at least 50 years. The building has been broken down and sectioned into smaller buildings and even has elevators with the old handheld cranks. While they have updated some of

Contine Reading

Installing media air cleaner for partner’s cooking

Installing media air cleaner for partner’s cooking

There are particular sacrifices that must be made when you are trying to align your life with somebody else. It’s hard for two people to be completely compatible, plus oftentimes someone is going to have to make extreme compromises in at least one area of their life. For me plus my partner, that is our

Contine Reading

This is going to make a pressing difference

This is going to make a pressing difference

Suddenly I got light-headed and short of breath. I never experienced a overheated flash or a heat stroke until just recently. It started out like any other day down south. The temperature was at least in the low 90’s but inside the home and in my vehicle with the A/C on I could barely tell

Contine Reading

Two more months of using the fireplace

Two more months of using the fireplace

I’m pretty glad with my last power bill I just got for $155 for the two month billing period. Last year at this time I got a whopping $600 power bill for my little flat for two months. Maybe this doesn’t sound like a lot in the States, however over here in Europe it was

Contine Reading

Researching Terrell heater repair at 3 am

Researching Terrell heater repair at 3 am

For a long time, my heater just made an easily ugly grinding noise. I just ignored it since the heater turned on reliably again as well as again. What isn’t broken, don’t repair it right? Well, I should have seen it as a warning sign at the time. If you are proactive about servicing your

Contine Reading

Two more months of using the fireplace

Two more months of using the fireplace

I’m pretty gleeful with my last power bill I just got for $155 for the two month billing period. Last year at this time I got a whopping $600 power bill for my little flat for two months. Maybe this doesn’t sound like a lot in the States, but over here in Europe it was

Contine Reading

So cheerful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

So cheerful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

When people start telling me about their pets I have to disclose that I completely zone out. It’s not that I hate critters or domesticated pets..; But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the critters that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the critters that

Contine Reading

Coworker stole mini split system from office

Coworker stole mini split system from office

I’ve typically heard that employers are seriously distraught about disgruntled employees after they leave. It has not made much sense to me why this would be such a major issue. I cannot suppose of any scenario in which I would retaliate against a past employer. I suppose that doesn’t mean I’m the norm. Apparently, there

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