Write a book about sharks plus furnace repairs

Write a book about sharks plus furnace repairs

My friends tell me to write a book about my life because of all of the crazy things that happened in it. I don’t really feel like writing a book though, however maybe one day when I am an seasoned man I will have the desire to do so. I feel like I’m not done

Contine Reading

Long drives

Long drives

Working almost an hour away from my household use to drive me crazy. This wasn’t because of the traffic or the fact that I had to wake up two hours earlier just to make sure I was arriving on time. The real issue was the fact that my automobile had a bad air conditioning unit.

Contine Reading

This is going to make a big difference

This is going to make a big difference

The next thing I knew my vision was starting to get blurry and then slowly got darker almost black I never experienced a hot flash or a heat stroke until just recently. It started out like any other day down south. The temperature was at least in the low 90’s but inside the house and

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Dogs and air purifiers all around

Dogs and air purifiers all around

I think we have more dogs than ever now in this town. It seems like when I go out I see more dogs walking than people, but I guess that is how it is in this town so I just need to accept it. I like dogs, but when you go out to get a

Contine Reading

Relationship ender, low quality air

Relationship ender, low quality air

When I was a child, I was plagued with respiratory illnesses, and from the time I was a small baby, I was continuously in and out of dentists offices with a number of breathing challenges; If I wasn’t coughing my lungs out, I was wheezing for no obvious reason. If my sinuses were not completely

Contine Reading

Cold weather is for romance

Cold weather is for romance

I realized recently that my brain responds to the fluctuations in season like closing chapters on my life. Every time the weather fluctuations, my brain is ready to process the past many months and move on to whatever the next many months have in store! Springtime hot sand rain signals that it’s time to start

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Wifi thermostat keeping us cool

Wifi thermostat keeping us cool

It is time to go grab that cologne from the store that I can’t remember the location of. This town is pretty small though and it can only be on a few streets, so I will go around town and look down the streets till I find the place. I will shell out $30 for

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Coworker stole mini split system from office

Coworker stole mini split system from office

As the morning went on, it began getting warmer plus warmer inside of the office I’ve regularly heard that employers are severely uneasy about disgruntled employees after they leave. It has not made much sense to me why this would be such a major issue. I cannot suppose of any scenario in which I would

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Need a powerful a/c for Palm Bay

Need a powerful a/c for Palm Bay

For a resident of Palm Bay, having a lower plus more achievable temperature control setting is an unquestionably immense draw Living in Palm Bay, FL means A/C isn’t a luxury, but a necessity… You can’t get by with something undoubtedly pitiful like a window or portable cooling component either, and in Palm Bay, my friend

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Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

He said this is a common issue with basement air quality, and using the correct HVAC equipment I can expect to see improvement within only a few days I love having a basement. I feel like it’s a real luxury, and I can’t imagine moving into a house without one ever again. I appreciate the

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Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Due to the increase in bodies along with the fact they were now driving down in the middle of the day, the A/C had decided to be a bit of a pain and completely stop working while they were stuck in a traffic jam just a few hours away from home I love long road

Contine Reading

Long drives

Long drives

Working almost an hour away from my home use to drive me crazy. This wasn’t because of the traffic or the fact that I had to wake up two hours earlier just to make sure I was arriving on time. The real issue was the fact that my vehicle had a terrible A/C unit. It

Contine Reading

Allergies get in the way of dating

Allergies get in the way of dating

My friends and family are constantly joking about my lifestyle, then i guess that they find it certainly funny that I tend to live alone and keep to myself in the comfort of my own home. If you ask me, there is nothing unusual about this preference for being alone and having control over your

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Looking for second task in preparation for winter

Looking for second task in preparation for winter

Well the time has come. It’s nearly July which means that I need to be lining up my second task for the winter, and unfortunately, I am not one of those people who can work one full-time task all year plus comfortably get by. Now, you might be thinking that I am talking about getting

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Exercise and heating and cooling

Exercise and heating and cooling

I am not the most fitness savvy person, i blame this on the weather conditions where I live, but majority of the year the air is thick and balmy making it always feel overheated and sticky outside. I used to give excuses saying it was too muggy to go outside partly because it was true,

Contine Reading

Extremely old Heating, Ventilation & A/C is discouraging

Extremely old Heating, Ventilation & A/C is discouraging

I recently just started a modern part time task working at a local theatre downtown. It is a historic theatre that has been around for at least 50 years. The building has been broken down & sectioned into smaller buildings & even has elevators with the old handheld cranks. While they have replaced some of

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Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

I love having a basement… I feel like it’s a real luxury, and I can’t imagine moving into a house separate from one ever again. I cherish the extra storage space it provides, the utility space that is perfect for doing laundry and completing cabin projects, and I love the naturally cold air that the

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Installing whole-apartment air purifier for partner’s cooking

Installing whole-apartment air purifier for partner’s cooking

There are certain sacrifices that must be made when you are trying to align your life with somebody else. It’s difficult for two people to be completely compatible, plus oftentimes someone is going to have to make drastic compromises in at least one section of their life. For me plus my partner, that is our

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Two more months of using the fireplace

Two more months of using the fireplace

I’m pretty glad with my last power bill I just got for $155 for the two month billing period. Last year at this time I got a whopping $600 power bill for my little flat for two months. Maybe this doesn’t sound like a lot in the States, however over here in Europe it was

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Dogs and whole-house air purifiers all around

Dogs and whole-house air purifiers all around

I suppose my friend and I have more dogs than ever now in this town. It seems like when I go out I see more dogs walking than people, although I know that is how it is in this town so I just need to accept it. I like dogs, but when you go out

Contine Reading

So blissful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

So blissful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

When people start telling me about their pets I have to admit that I completely zone out. It’s not that I don’t like creatures or domesticated pets… But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the creatures that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the creatures

Contine Reading

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

I love long road trips. The idea of going cross country and sleeping in either tents or old university motels seems almost charming to me. That was until I heard about one terrible experience my associate had while driving up north and then back down again. Apparently her car’s a/c is a bit touchy. It

Contine Reading

Relationship ender, low quality air

Relationship ender, low quality air

When I was a child, I was plagued with respiratory illnesses! From the time I was a small baby, I was continuously in as well as out of healthcare workers offices with a number of breathing challenges, if I wasn’t coughing my lungs out, I was wheezing for no blatant reason. If my sinuses weren’t

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Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C in our camper

Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C in our camper

My in-laws just got a brand new camper. They travel a lot and have invested in not only a new camper however a new truck to efficiently pull the camper and save on gas. The camper they just bought is ideal for the long mountain hikes and cross country trips they plan on taking later

Contine Reading

Making music at the heating dealership

Making music at the heating dealership

Well, our band now has a location to practice inside when the weather is not agreeing with us. Sometimes my associate and I want to play outside but it is either too cold or too rainy out to play. This week is one of those afternoons as it looks like my associate and I are

Contine Reading

Relationship ender, low quality air

Relationship ender, low quality air

When I was a child, I was plagued with respiratory illnesses, then from the time I was a small baby, I was continuously in and out of healthcare experts offices with a number of breathing challenges; If I wasn’t coughing my lungs out, I was wheezing for no evident reason. If my sinuses were not

Contine Reading