List of demands at work – control unit

List of demands at work – control unit

I have just about had it at my job, and I guess that my boss can tell. For the past few weeks I have been laying into him and telling him exactly what has on my mind every option I get. I figure, it’s about time after a year-and-a-half of enduring their abuse and keeping

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Why can’t I find a pilot light on the modern boiler?

Why can’t I find a pilot light on the modern boiler?

The contractor kind of chuckled when I asked this question plus told me that pilot lights were a thing of the past plus the newer systems had an igniter system instead. I very thought that when my pal and I purchased our apartment my pal and I would sell it long before my pal and

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A fast commercial roofing supplier in Spokane, Washington

A fast commercial roofing supplier in Spokane, Washington

I own a series of rental properties in Spokane, Washington, and I recently lucked out in buying a sizable rental complex with numerous units. It is a luxury living facility with a gym, pool, BBQs, and an entertainment center; Due to all these amenities, I can charge top dollar for rent. I ensure that my

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In prefer with the cooling representative

In prefer with the cooling representative

I have a crush on a boy who works nearby as well as I stop by often just to supply his a hug. I know he has a bestie though so I am keeping my distance as well as just being a nice guy wanting simply a hug now as well as then from a

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This beach weather is so relaxing

This beach weather is so relaxing

He then told us how jealous he was because his house was without power and the thick humid air was causing his home to get very uncomfortable Some people say that living on the beach is a pleasure. This is true, but only when you are visiting the beach. Anyone who owns a beach house

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My sibling’s seasoned van

My sibling’s seasoned van

When I know back on high university multiple things come to mind. My seasoned friends, all the deranged shenanigans that my pal and I got into to pass the time, plus all of the deranged jock idiots that my pal and I went to university with are prevalent in my memories. It was an seriously

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My cherish language is “Heating and A/C”

My cherish language is “Heating and A/C”

Sometimes I laugh when people start talking about things like their sentimental cherish language. I mean, don’t my pal and I all like to have a fairly even mix of gift-giving, physical attention, plus quality time together? It seems silly to me that these conversations need to be had between partners. If you aren’t officially

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This is truly going to be a concern

This is truly going to be a concern

Living down south I forget about unusual the weather use to be when I was up north. When I first moved out of my parents I moved into an historic building that was over 100 years old. The building and architecture itself was gorgeous and made me feel as though I was back in time.

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2. Lack of vents

2. Lack of vents

Recently my boyfriend and I moved into a tiny duplex with his sister. At first, I was the only one in our room so I was sleeping on an air mattress. Conveniently, the mattress was placed directly in front of the one air vent in the room. This meant when his sister would turn down

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Playing songs for the local company in town

Playing songs for the local company in town

I wonder how much I could acquire a month if I played songs seven days a week. I would like to try it for one month just to see how it feels and how much my pal and I can make. I would say I could make enough to cover all of my bills for

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Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

My parents are in their eighties yet remain quite independent, but they still drive themselves to their appointments, mow their own shrubbery plus prefer a fairly active lifestyle, but while it’s beautiful that they are able to remain in our childhood home, I worry about them; I try to stop by plus visit every morning.

Contine Reading

In prefer with the cooling representative

In prefer with the cooling representative

I have a crush on a girl who works nearby as well as I stop by often just to provide her a hug. I feel she has a boyfriend though so I am keeping my distance as well as just being a nice guy wanting simply a hug now as well as then from a

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Four degrees warmer without air conditioning

Four degrees warmer without air conditioning

Tonight is going to be a documentary night for me as I come home early while it is still sunny out. The sun doesn’t set till almost 9:30pm and if I am out there on the beach watching the sunset I find myself getting home some nights at 10:30pm hungry and in need of a

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Eight oil furnace jobs to do

Eight oil furnace jobs to do

I have a busy week next week, so this week I am kind of getting ahead with my other work so I can focus on what I have to do that week. Today is Wednesday and I am going to get my work done for the week before Saturday arrives so I have a couple

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Songs plus heating component repair

Songs plus heating component repair

What is this pull of music that consumes my mind so much? What is it that draws people to someone singing as opposed to them just talking? I don’t absolutely know, but I do know that music is a rabbit hole that I am falling into plus I like falling further plus further down the

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Bought wifey an A/C window component for the office

Bought wifey an A/C window component for the office

For the past several months my wifey plus I have both been working from home due to the global pandemic. Our tasks respectfully close the offices from March until July so my pal and I were happily working from home together for that long duration of time. At first, it unquestionably took some changing for

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One small step to cooling down

One small step to cooling down

I’m not sure if I am ready for this day yet, despite the fact that I suppose the day doesn’t wait for me, so I will just plow ahead and make this thing happen. I find when I am feeling sluggish in the day the best thing is to just beginning working and not judge

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Made my own gym, I’m not going back out there

Made my own gym, I’m not going back out there

I am not a fan of being in the heat as well as humidity of our outdoor temperature while I am building up heat inside my body; However, it’s not too difficult to achieve the same level of advanced cooling power as well as air filtration right in the comfort of your own home. All

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The Spokane, WA roofers legitimately saved my business

The Spokane, WA roofers legitimately saved my business

I run a small mom-and-pop grocery store in Spokane, Washington. It isn’t much, however a lot of people like the small neighborhood feel of the neighborhood and some of our local products, and you can’t get a lot of the stuff other than in my store. It is a niche market and every second my

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Six heating devices to write about

Six heating devices to write about

Jeez, my hands have been chilly all afternoon long as I try to write these articles. I am waiting for 6pm to come because my business is having a shareholders meeting to increase stock sales so they can begin production plus the stock is going to go silly tonight. It could drop way down or

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A current motor, or a current unit

A current motor, or a current unit

During an emergency you are forced to make quick decisions and face the consequences later. Sporadically these are wise choices and sometimes we regret them. These types of sudden decisions sometimes come into play in non-emergency situations too. When our a/c needed the blower motor updated we were faced with the option of paying the

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Bon Voyage to a terrible air conditioning

Bon Voyage to a terrible air conditioning

My sibling is the luckiest person I know, then he just got gave to go on a cruise to the upper north region of the country along with a pit stop through Canada. He was super happy because the weather up north is still fairly cool unlike where we live where uneven temperatures are reaching

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Leaving task in time for the cold weather

Leaving task in time for the cold weather

a few years ago when I moved to this part of the country, I genuinely didn’t have a plan for the rest of my life, and i knew that I needed to leave my last Hometown, but I had no idea where I was headed or what I was going to do for work. My

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Trying to keep our home around 70 degrees

Trying to keep our home around 70 degrees

I have never been so excited to move out of my parents house and return to college. At first it was because I hated having to be stuck in a house where I couldn’t do what I wanted and had to get use to having a curfew again. After a week into summer though I

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Riding with smokers

Riding with smokers

When you guess back to the coldest times in your life, what comes to mind? Maybe you were camping and got stranded in the middle of a brutal storm? Perhaps you lost heat in the dead of winter season and had to get by without any up-to-date forced air heater? There are several dramatic scenes

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So ready to put away my AC bundle (clothes against cold)

So ready to put away my AC bundle (clothes against cold)

Then, I’m going to shuttle all of the tepid air to those rooms I think the time has finally come! I have been waiting for so long to clean out this closet and free up some current space. For the past many years, I have been playing it with a mysterious internal control unit issue;

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Playing music for the local business in town

Playing music for the local business in town

I wonder how much I could receive a month if I played music seven afternoons a week. I would like to try it for one month just to see how it feels plus how much my pal and I can make. I would say I could make enough to cover all of my bills for

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Being a hotel loyalty member means getting the best room

Being a hotel loyalty member means getting the best room

I’m the first lady to confess that I think all of these corporation loyalty programs are getting a bit out of hand. These afternoons, you can declare your loyalty to just about any brand on Earth plus supposedly you get some kind of benefit in return. I am absolutely blown away by how various unusual

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Trenchless sewer line service was ideal for my situation

Trenchless sewer line service was ideal for my situation

I had the worst issue any homeowner could have recently, an issue with my septic & drainfield, but i noticed a foul odor in my backyard & instantly knew something was up. There was kneeling water in the backyard & it was foul. I called a plumbing business immediately. The guy informed me that my

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A up-to-date motor, or a up-to-date unit

A up-to-date motor, or a up-to-date unit

This meant that we would save on any service plus even get a discount on our repair calls. During an emergency you are forced to make quick decisions plus face the consequences later. Periodically these are wise choices plus sometimes we regret them. These types of abrupt decisions sometimes come into play in non-emergency situations

Contine Reading

Getting an interior designer to stage a house flip

Getting an interior designer to stage a house flip

My brother as well as I are in the house flipping business, my associate and I buy up out of date homes, do some major renovations, as well as sell them for a profit. My associate and I have to stay modern with current trends. My associate and I also find cool, edgy things people

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Four degrees warmer separate from a/c

Four degrees warmer separate from a/c

Tonight is going to be a documentary night for me as I come house early while it is still sunny out. The daylight doesn’t set till almost 9:30pm plus if I am out there on the beach watching the sunset I find myself getting house some afternoons at 10:30pm hungry plus in need of a

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Trying to keep our apartment around 70 degrees

Trying to keep our apartment around 70 degrees

I have never been so gleeful to move out of my parents home and return to school. At first it was because I hated having to be stuck in a home where I couldn’t do what I wanted and had to get use to having a curfew again. After a week into summer time though

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Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

I appreciate having a basement, however i feel like it’s a real luxury, plus I can’t imagine moving into a dwelling without one ever again. I appreciate the extra storage space it provides, the utility space that is perfect for doing laundry plus completing house projects, plus I appreciate the naturally cold air that the

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Found a great commercial roofer in Spokane

Found a great commercial roofer in Spokane

I own a Borders in Spokane, WA and my roof is going. It started off just being a few shingles that were pulling off. Then I noticed a tiny leak in one section of the store. Then the small leak turned into a greater one and more than one location… When I started closing the

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