Acline Air Conditioning

Cold weather is for romance

Cold weather is for romance

I realized recently that my brain responds to the swings in season like closing chapters on my life. Every time the weather swings, my brain is ready to process the past many months plus move on to whatever the next many months have in store, then springtime sizzling sand rain signals that it’s time to

Contine Reading

New apartment, air ducts were filthy

New apartment, air ducts were filthy

There’s nothing like getting used to a new home… You have so much to figure out plus it feels like as soon as you get accustomed to one site, it’s time to start renting a new one. In the city, that has especially true. There are so many unique housing options out there that you

Contine Reading

Coworker stole mini split system from office

Coworker stole mini split system from office

I’ve consistently heard that managers are seriously nervous about disgruntled employees after they leave. It hasn’t made much sense to me why this would be such a major issue. I can’t know of any scenario in which I would retaliate against a past manager. I know that doesn’t mean I am the norm. Apparently, there

Contine Reading

Cold weather is for romance

Cold weather is for romance

I realized recently that my brain responds to the fluctuations in season like closing chapters on my life. Every time the weather fluctuations, my brain is ready to process the past many months and move on to whatever the next many months have in store! Springtime hot sand rain signals that it’s time to start

Contine Reading

New apartment, HVAC ducts were filthy

New apartment, HVAC ducts were filthy

There’s nothing like getting used to a current home. You have so much to figure out and it feels like as soon as you get accustomed to one site, it’s time to start renting a current one. In the city, that is especially true. There are so many unique housing opportunities out there that you

Contine Reading

Relationship ender, low quality air

Relationship ender, low quality air

When I was a child, I was plagued with respiratory illnesses, then from the time I was a small baby, I was continuously in and out of healthcare experts offices with a number of breathing challenges; If I wasn’t coughing my lungs out, I was wheezing for no evident reason. If my sinuses were not

Contine Reading

Cold weather is for romance

Cold weather is for romance

Bypassing the boiler as well as thermostat in order to get the highest quality snuggles I realized recently that my brain responds to the changes in season like closing chapters on my life. Every time the weather changes, my brain is ready to process the past multiple months as well as transfer on to whatever

Contine Reading

Regular A/C didn’t kneel a chance against beach

Regular A/C didn’t kneel a chance against beach

I’m the first to confess that I am an seriously frugal and thrifty human being. I am not embarrassed to tell you that I like to save a buck. I am not extravagant when it comes to buying things for myself and I don’t prefer the dealer of people who need to throw money around

Contine Reading

New apartment, HVAC ducts were filthy

New apartment, HVAC ducts were filthy

There’s nothing like getting used to a modern home, but you have so much to figure out as well as it feels like as soon as you get accustomed to one locale, it’s time to beginning renting a modern one. In the city, that’s especially true. There are so multiple particular housing possibilities out there

Contine Reading

Relationship ender, low quality air

Relationship ender, low quality air

When I was a child, I was plagued with respiratory illnesses! From the time I was a small baby, I was continuously in as well as out of healthcare workers offices with a number of breathing challenges, if I wasn’t coughing my lungs out, I was wheezing for no blatant reason. If my sinuses weren’t

Contine Reading

New apartment, air ducts were filthy

New apartment, air ducts were filthy

There’s nothing like getting used to a modern home! You have so much to figure out and it feels like as soon as you get accustomed to one locale, it’s time to start renting a modern one. In the city, that is especially true. There are so several particular housing openings out there that you

Contine Reading

Relationship ender, low quality air

Relationship ender, low quality air

When I was a child, I was plagued with respiratory illnesses, and from the time I was a small baby, I was continuously in and out of dentists offices with a number of breathing challenges; If I wasn’t coughing my lungs out, I was wheezing for no obvious reason. If my sinuses were not completely

Contine Reading

Regular AC didn’t stand a option against beach

Regular AC didn’t stand a option against beach

They are built certainally to withstand sand and saltwater erosion I’m the first to confess that I’m an seriously frugal and thrifty human being. I am not embarrassed to tell you that I like to save a buck. I’m not expensive when it comes to buying things for myself and I do not cherish the

Contine Reading

So ready to put away my AC bundle (clothes against cold)

So ready to put away my AC bundle (clothes against cold)

Then, I’m going to shuttle all of the tepid air to those rooms I think the time has finally come! I have been waiting for so long to clean out this closet and free up some current space. For the past many years, I have been playing it with a mysterious internal control unit issue;

Contine Reading

Coworker stole mini split system from office

Coworker stole mini split system from office

I’ve typically heard that employers are seriously distraught about disgruntled employees after they leave. It has not made much sense to me why this would be such a major issue. I cannot suppose of any scenario in which I would retaliate against a past employer. I suppose that doesn’t mean I’m the norm. Apparently, there

Contine Reading

Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

He said this is a common issue with basement air quality, and using the correct HVAC equipment I can expect to see improvement within only a few days I love having a basement. I feel like it’s a real luxury, and I can’t imagine moving into a house without one ever again. I appreciate the

Contine Reading

Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

I love having a basement… I feel like it’s a real luxury, and I can’t imagine moving into a house separate from one ever again. I cherish the extra storage space it provides, the utility space that is perfect for doing laundry and completing cabin projects, and I love the naturally cold air that the

Contine Reading

Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

I appreciate having a basement, however i feel like it’s a real luxury, plus I can’t imagine moving into a dwelling without one ever again. I appreciate the extra storage space it provides, the utility space that is perfect for doing laundry plus completing house projects, plus I appreciate the naturally cold air that the

Contine Reading

Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

I asked him to point me towards the correct dehumidifying units, plus he issued me a quote for several energy efficient models that wouldn’t cut the bank, since I need to operate them 24/7 I enjoy having a basement! I feel like it’s a real luxury, plus I can’t imagine moving into a house separate

Contine Reading

Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

I love having a basement, and i feel like it’s a real luxury, and I can’t imagine moving into a property without one ever again. I love the extra storage space it provides, the utility space that is perfect for doing laundry and completing house projects, and I love the naturally frosty air that the

Contine Reading

Trenchless sewer line repair was ideal for my situation

Trenchless sewer line repair was ideal for my situation

I had the worst issue any homeowner could have recently, an issue with my septic and drainfield. I noticed a foul smell in my backyard and immediately knew something was up. There was standing water in the backyard and it was foul. I called a plumbing contractor right away. The guy informed me that my

Contine Reading

2. Lack of vents

2. Lack of vents

Recently my boyfriend and I moved into a tiny duplex with his sister. At first, I was the only one in our room so I was sleeping on an air mattress. Conveniently, the mattress was placed directly in front of the one air vent in the room. This meant when his sister would turn down

Contine Reading

Long drives

Long drives

Working almost an hour away from my house use to drive me crazy. This wasn’t because of the traffic or the fact that I had to wake up two hours earlier just to make sure I was arriving on time. The real issue was the fact that my car had a terrible A/C unit. It

Contine Reading

Trying to keep our home around 70 degrees

Trying to keep our home around 70 degrees

I have never been so excited to move out of my parents house and return to college. At first it was because I hated having to be stuck in a house where I couldn’t do what I wanted and had to get use to having a curfew again. After a week into summer though I

Contine Reading

This is going to make a big difference

This is going to make a big difference

The next thing I knew my vision was starting to get blurry and then slowly got darker almost black I never experienced a hot flash or a heat stroke until just recently. It started out like any other day down south. The temperature was at least in the low 90’s but inside the house and

Contine Reading

This is really going to be a problem

This is really going to be a problem

It was also nice to know in the middle of the night if I had to run to the bathroom I wouldn’t be shivering while doing my business Living down south I forget about different the weather use to be when I was up north. When I first moved out of my parents I moved

Contine Reading

Extremely old HVAC is annoying

Extremely old HVAC is annoying

I recently just started a new part time job working at a local theatre downtown. It is a historic theatre that has been around for at least 50 years. The building has been broken down and sectioned into smaller buildings and even has elevators with the old handheld cranks. While they have updated some of

Contine Reading

This beach weather is so relaxing

This beach weather is so relaxing

He then told us how jealous he was because his house was without power and the thick humid air was causing his home to get very uncomfortable Some people say that living on the beach is a pleasure. This is true, but only when you are visiting the beach. Anyone who owns a beach house

Contine Reading

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Due to the increase in bodies along with the fact they were now driving down in the middle of the day, the A/C had decided to be a bit of a pain and completely stop working while they were stuck in a traffic jam just a few hours away from home I love long road

Contine Reading

I really had some problems with that humidifier

I really had some problems with that humidifier

My sister is having a bit of renter’s trouble. Within the past few months she has had a few technical issues with her humidifier and she just can’t seem to find out what’s wrong. She’s lived in her place for almost a year and up until the summer seasons has never had an issue with

Contine Reading

HVAC in our camper

HVAC in our camper

My in-laws just got a brand new camper. They travel a lot and have invested in not only a new camper but a new truck to efficiently pull the camper and save on gas. The camper they just purchased is ideal for the long mountain hikes and cross country trips they plan on taking later

Contine Reading

Bon Voyage to a bad air conditioner

Bon Voyage to a bad air conditioner

My brother is the luckiest man I know. He just got offered to go on a cruise to the upper north region of the country along with a pit stop through Canada. He was super excited because the weather up north is still fairly cool unlike where we live where temperatures are reaching the upper

Contine Reading

Exercise and heating and cooling

Exercise and heating and cooling

I am not the most fitness savvy person. I blame this on the climate where I live. Majority of the year the air is thick and balmy making it always feel warm and sticky outside. I used to give excuses saying it was too muggy to go outside partly because it was true, and then

Contine Reading

This is going to make a sizable difference

This is going to make a sizable difference

Suddenly I got light-headed and short of breath. I never experienced a sizzling flash or a heat stroke until just recently. It started out like any other day down south. The temperature was at least in the low 90’s however inside the household and in my automobile with the air conditioning on I could barely

Contine Reading

I genuinely had some problems with that humidifier

I genuinely had some problems with that humidifier

To make things worse, the humidifier doesn’t shut off once the tote is filled so periodically my sister comes house to find a small flood happening in her closet where the humidifier is stored. My sister is having a bit of occupant’s trouble. Within the past few months she has had a few technical concerns

Contine Reading

2. Lack of vents

2. Lack of vents

Recently my boyfriend and I moved into a tiny duplex with his sister. At first, I was the only one in our room so I was sleeping on an air mattress. Conveniently, the mattress was venued directly in front of the one air vent in the room. This meant when his sister would turn down

Contine Reading