My in-laws just got a brand new camper. They travel a lot and have invested in not only a new camper but a new truck to efficiently pull the camper and save on gas. The camper they just purchased is ideal for the long mountain hikes and cross country trips they plan on taking later this year. The camper is equipped with all the latest technology. It even has a pull out couch and reclining chairs. My father-in-law was quite pleased with himself because not only did he get the camper for a steal but he also got the latest air conditioner. My mother-in-law also thinks the camper was a good investment for the air conditioner. This is mainly because the master bedroom in the camper gets warm very fast. My in-laws share the camper with their two golden retrievers so between the four of them the back room gets warm very fast mainly due to all the body heat coming off from them. In their previous camper this was an issue and my mother-in-law would need both the A/C and a box fan blowing to even get the slightest bit comfortable to go to sleep. Now she says the new system gets so cold she is thinking about investing in a thicker blanket that way she’s still comfortable. While my in-laws love their camper they are already looking to invest in a newer one, that is slightly bigger and includes a fireplace. Can you imagine? A fireplace inside a camper?!