Ordering a kitchen table from a furniture builder

Ordering a kitchen table from a furniture builder

I became very frustrated when I started shopping for a kitchen table. I was looking for furniture of especially good quality. I wanted a sturdy table that could withstand the wear and tear of family meals every single day. I have three kids who are messy. I can’t have a table that easily stains, dents

Contine Reading

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

My parents are in their eighties yet remain quite independent. They still drive themselves to their appointments, mow their own lawn and enjoy a fairly active lifestyle. While it’s wonderful that they are able to remain in our childhood home, I worry about them. I try to stop by and visit every day. I either

Contine Reading

Ordering a home office table from a furniture builder

Ordering a home office table from a furniture builder

I became absolutely irritated when I started shopping for a home office table, then i was looking for furniture of especially enjoyable quality. I wanted a sturdy table that could withstand the wear and tear of family meals every single afternoon. I have three kids who are messy. I can’t have a table that truly

Contine Reading

Ordering a kitchen table from a furniture builder

Ordering a kitchen table from a furniture builder

I became entirely aggravated when I started shopping for a kitchen table; I was looking for furniture of especially fine quality. I wanted a sturdy table that could withstand the wear and tear of family meals every single afternoon. I have three kids who are messy. I can’t have a table that absolutely stains, dents

Contine Reading

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

My parents are in their eighties yet remain quite independent, they still drive themselves to their appointments, mow their own sod and enjoy a fairly active lifestyle, while it’s charming that they are able to remain in our childhood home, I worry about them. I try to stop by and visit every day. I either

Contine Reading

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

I like that there is a panic button My parents are in their eighties yet remain quite independent. They still drive themselves to their appointments, mow their own grass plus care about a fairly active lifestyle… While it’s lovely that they are able to remain in our childhood home, I worry about them… I try

Contine Reading

Ordering a living room table from a furniture builder

Ordering a living room table from a furniture builder

I became unquestionably exasperated when I started shopping for a living room table… I was looking for furniture of especially great quality. I wanted a sturdy table that could withstand the wear and tear of family meals every single morning. I have three adolescents who are messy. I can’t have a table that unquestionably stains,

Contine Reading

Ordering a family room table from a furniture builder

Ordering a family room table from a furniture builder

I became legitimately worried when I started shopping for a family room table; I was looking for furniture of especially fantastic quality. I wanted a sturdy table that could withstand the wear and tear of family meals every single afternoon. I have three teenagers who are messy. I can’t have a table that legitimately stains,

Contine Reading

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

My parents are in their eighties yet remain quite independent; They still drive themselves to their appointments, mow their own turf in addition to love a fairly active lifestyle, while it’s lovely that they are able to remain in our childhood home, I worry about them, and i try to stop by in addition to

Contine Reading

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

Getting an automation system for my parents’ home

My parents are in their eighties yet remain quite independent, but they still drive themselves to their appointments, mow their own shrubbery plus prefer a fairly active lifestyle, but while it’s beautiful that they are able to remain in our childhood home, I worry about them; I try to stop by plus visit every morning.

Contine Reading

Playing music for the local business in town

Playing music for the local business in town

I wonder how much I could earn a month if I played music seven days a week. I would like to try it for one month just to see how it feels and how much we can make. I would say I could make enough to cover all of my bills for the month if

Contine Reading

Two more months of using the fireplace

Two more months of using the fireplace

I’m pretty happy with my last power bill I just got for $155 for the two month billing period. Last year at this time I got a whopping $600 power bill for my little flat for two months. Maybe this doesn’t sound like a lot in the States, but over here in Europe it was

Contine Reading

Songs and heating equipment repair

Songs and heating equipment repair

What is this pull of music that consumes my mind so much? What is it that draws people to someone singing as opposed to them just talking? I don’t really know, but I do know that music is a rabbit hole that I am falling into and I like falling further and further down the

Contine Reading

Dogs and air purifiers all around

Dogs and air purifiers all around

I think we have more dogs than ever now in this town. It seems like when I go out I see more dogs walking than people, but I guess that is how it is in this town so I just need to accept it. I like dogs, but when you go out to get a

Contine Reading

Six heating devices to write about

Six heating devices to write about

Jeez, my hands have been cold all morning long as I try to write these articles. I am waiting for 6pm to come because my company is having a shareholders meeting to increase stock sales so they can begin production and the stock is going to go crazy tonight. It could drop way down or

Contine Reading

Crazy cold swim and some hot water heater help

Crazy cold swim and some hot water heater help

I just took one of the coldest swims of my life. The waves were big today and there was no sun, and with an outside temp of 35F with the wind it took all I had to go in that sea. I couldn’t wear my knit hat because I knew the waves would topple over

Contine Reading

In love with the cooling representative

In love with the cooling representative

I have a crush on a girl who works nearby and I stop by often just to give her a hug. I think she has a boyfriend though so I am keeping my distance and just being a nice guy wanting simply a hug now and then from a pretty lady. I got a new

Contine Reading

Get that cooling device going

Get that cooling device going

I am going to ramp up my yoga and volleyball lessons to make some more cash this summer. If I push myself a bit I can make about an extra $500 a month just teaching the two things. That would allow me to either put more money in my investment and get those 20K shares

Contine Reading

One small step to cooling down

One small step to cooling down

I’m not sure if I am ready for this day yet, but I guess the day doesn’t wait for me, so I will just plow ahead and make this thing happen. I find when I am feeling sluggish in the morning the best thing is to just start working and not judge any of it.

Contine Reading

Making music at the heating dealership

Making music at the heating dealership

Well, our band now has a place to practice inside when the weather is not agreeing with us. Sometimes we want to play outside but it is either too cold or too rainy out to play. Today is one of those days as it looks like we are going to have a rainy one once

Contine Reading

Eight oil furnace jobs to do

Eight oil furnace jobs to do

I have a busy week next week, so this week I am kind of getting ahead with my other work so I can focus on what I have to do that week. Today is Wednesday and I am going to get my work done for the week before Saturday arrives so I have a couple

Contine Reading

Write a book about sharks and furnace repairs

Write a book about sharks and furnace repairs

My friends tell me to write a book about my life because of all of the crazy things that happened in it. I don’t really feel like writing a book though, but maybe one day when I am an old man I will have the desire to do so. I feel like I’m not done

Contine Reading

Getting some air conditioning maintenance soon

Getting some air conditioning maintenance soon

She is still alive and healthy and I really hope we can share more memories together before she leaves us. “We’re leaving in five minutes!” I can still hear those words of my mom echo in my mind some 45 years later. She would say it in the morning when getting ready to take us

Contine Reading

Wifi thermostat keeping us cool

Wifi thermostat keeping us cool

It is time to go grab that cologne from the store that I can’t remember the location of. This town is pretty small though and it can only be on a few streets, so I will go around town and look down the streets till I find the place. I will shell out $30 for

Contine Reading

Four degrees warmer without air conditioning

Four degrees warmer without air conditioning

Tonight is going to be a documentary night for me as I come home early while it is still sunny out. The sun doesn’t set till almost 9:30pm and if I am out there on the beach watching the sunset I find myself getting home some nights at 10:30pm hungry and in need of a

Contine Reading

Time for the cooling waters of the sea

Time for the cooling waters of the sea

I just had a relaxing bike ride around town, spending $35 on a new pair of shades and some cologne. I need to cut back on my spending though because I’ve spent a few hundred extra the past month or so and need to start saving for this trip coming up in a month and

Contine Reading

Dogs plus media air cleaners all around

Dogs plus media air cleaners all around

I assume my pal and I have more cats than ever now in this town. It seems like when I go out I see more cats walking than people, however I assume that is how it is in this neighborhood so I just need to accept it. I like cats, however when you go out

Contine Reading

Six heating devices to write about

Six heating devices to write about

Jeez, my hands have been chilly all morning long as I try to write these articles. I am waiting for 6pm to come because my supplier is having a shareholders meeting to increase stock sales so they can begin production and the stock is going to go silly tonight. It could drop way down or

Contine Reading

Making rock n roll at the heating dealership

Making rock n roll at the heating dealership

Well, our band now has a site to practice inside when the weather is not agreeing with us. Sometimes my fine friend and I want to play outside however it is either too cold or too rainy out to play. This week is one of those afternoons as it looks like my fine friend and

Contine Reading

Four degrees warmer without air conditioning

Four degrees warmer without air conditioning

Tonight is going to be a documentary night for me as I come apartment early while it is still sunny out. The sunshine doesn’t set till almost 9:30pm as well as if I am out there on the beach enjoying the sunset I find myself getting apartment some days at 10:30pm hungry as well as

Contine Reading

Time for the cooling waters of the sea

Time for the cooling waters of the sea

I just had a fantastic bike ride around town, spending $35 on a new pair of shades as well as some cologne. I need to break back on my spending though because I’ve spent a few hundred extra the past month or so as well as need to start saving for this trip coming up

Contine Reading

Write a book about sharks as well as boiler repairs

Write a book about sharks as well as boiler repairs

My friends tell me to write a book about my life because of all of the crazy things that happened in it. I don’t absolutely feel like writing a book though, but maybe one afternoon when I am an aged guy I will have the desire to do so. I feel like I’m not done

Contine Reading

Wi-Fi control device keeping us cool

Wi-Fi control device keeping us cool

The modern smart control device set me back about $95, but it will save me a ton of time by not having to adjust the control device to run the a/c or boiler each afternoon It is time to go grab that cologne from the store that I can’t remember the location of. This town

Contine Reading

Time for the cooling waters of the sea

Time for the cooling waters of the sea

I just had a unbelievable bike ride around town, spending $35 on a modern pair of shades as well as some cologne. I need to cut back on my spending though because I’ve spent a few hundred extra the past month or so as well as need to beginning saving for this trip coming up

Contine Reading

Getting some a/c repair soon

Getting some a/c repair soon

“We’re leaving in five minutes!” I can still hear those words of my Dad echo in my mind some 45 years later. She would say it in the day when getting ready to take us to middle school on her way to work each day. That just reminds me of how strenuous momma worked to

Contine Reading

Write a book about sharks plus furnace repairs

Write a book about sharks plus furnace repairs

My friends tell me to write a book about my life because of all of the crazy things that happened in it. I don’t really feel like writing a book though, however maybe one day when I am an seasoned man I will have the desire to do so. I feel like I’m not done

Contine Reading