Wind causes extra energy consumption from drafty windows

Wind causes extra energy consumption from drafty windows

In the north, the coldest days are generally accompanied by a superb deal of wind, and even if your house is expertly sealed and heated, the chilly drafts from outside make a big difference in the perceived temperature inside For most of my life I lived in an extremely strenuous weather conditions, then i grew

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So cheerful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

So cheerful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

When people start telling me about their pets I have to disclose that I completely zone out. It’s not that I hate critters or domesticated pets..; But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the critters that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the critters that

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This is going to make a sizable difference

This is going to make a sizable difference

Suddenly I got light-headed and short of breath. I never experienced a sizzling flash or a heat stroke until just recently. It started out like any other day down south. The temperature was at least in the low 90’s however inside the household and in my automobile with the air conditioning on I could barely

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So blissful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

So blissful my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

When people start telling me about their pets I have to admit that I completely zone out. It’s not that I don’t like creatures or domesticated pets… But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the creatures that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the creatures

Contine Reading

Write a book about sharks as well as boiler repairs

Write a book about sharks as well as boiler repairs

My friends tell me to write a book about my life because of all of the crazy things that happened in it. I don’t absolutely feel like writing a book though, but maybe one afternoon when I am an aged guy I will have the desire to do so. I feel like I’m not done

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Leaving job in time for snow

Leaving job in time for snow

The guy that I hired is an absolute nightmare, however between the horrific heat as well as the bad management, I grew tired of the job pretty hastily a few years ago when I moved to this part of the country, I really didn’t have a plan for the rest of my life… I knew

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So glad my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

So glad my inlaws got a cat, now I can’t visit them

When people start telling me about their pets I have to admit that I completely zone out. It’s not that I dislike animals or domesticated pets… But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the animals that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the animals that

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Uncorrect indicator that the heat is coming on

Uncorrect indicator that the heat is coming on

When our current boiler was installed we were amazed at how quiet it was. My buddy and I were used to hearing the drone of the old on each time it kicked on and now we hear nothing. It is a wonderful feature but sometimes I wonder if it is one or not. There is

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Work more efficiently, make more currency

Work more efficiently, make more currency

As such, he told me that he number one to toil long, hard afternoons for his own financial gain My entire life I have realized that I am not the sort who should have a traditional job. I can’t handle the idea of reporting anywhere 9 to 5 everyday based on somebody else’s schedule. I

Contine Reading

Work more efficiently, make more money

Work more efficiently, make more money

My entire life I have realized that I am not the sort who should have a traditional task. I cannot handle the idea of reporting anywhere 9 to 5 everyday based on somebody else’s schedule. I am happiest when I have personal freedom plus that includes being my own boss. At a minimum, I know

Contine Reading

Installing UV air purifier for spouse’s cooking

Installing UV air purifier for spouse’s cooking

I do not enjoy coming condo to smelly, stagnant air, but I also cannot open windows for efficient ventilation. There are particular sacrifices that must be made when you are trying to align your life with somebody else. It’s taxing for two people to be completely compatible, plus oftentimes someone is going to have to

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Trenchless sewer line repair was ideal for my situation

Trenchless sewer line repair was ideal for my situation

I had the worst issue any homeowner could have recently, an issue with my septic as well as drainfield, then i noticed a foul smell in my backyard as well as immediately knew something was up. There was sitting water in the backyard as well as it was foul. I called a plumbing business instantly.

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Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Due to the increase in bodies along with the fact they were now driving down in the middle of the day, the A/C had decided to be a bit of a pain and completely stop working while they were stuck in a traffic jam just a few hours away from home I love long road

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Coworker stole mini split system from office

Coworker stole mini split system from office

I’ve consistently heard that managers are seriously nervous about disgruntled employees after they leave. It hasn’t made much sense to me why this would be such a major issue. I can’t know of any scenario in which I would retaliate against a past manager. I know that doesn’t mean I am the norm. Apparently, there

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Working on my home’s heating and cooling

Working on my home’s heating and cooling

I love long road trips. The idea of going cross country and sleeping in either tents or old university motels seems almost charming to me. That was until I heard about one terrible experience my associate had while driving up north and then back down again. Apparently her car’s a/c is a bit touchy. It

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Get that cooling component going

Get that cooling component going

I am going to ramp up my yoga as well as volleyball lessons to make some more cash this summer. If I push myself a bit I can make about an extra $500 a month just teaching the two things. That would allow me to either put more cash in my investment as well as

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Dogs and media air cleaners all around

Dogs and media air cleaners all around

I feel my pal and I have more cats than ever now in this town. It seems like when I go out I see more cats walking than people, but I feel that is how it is in this town so I just need to accept it. I like cats, but when you go out

Contine Reading

Work more efficiently, make more currency

Work more efficiently, make more currency

My entire life I have realized that I am not the sort who should have a traditional task. I cannot handle the idea of reporting somewhere 9 to 5 everyday based on somebody else’s schedule. I am happiest when I have personal freedom plus that includes being my own boss. At a minimum, I know

Contine Reading

Getting basement humidity under control

Getting basement humidity under control

He said this is a common issue with basement air quality, and using the correct HVAC equipment I can expect to see improvement within only a few days I love having a basement. I feel like it’s a real luxury, and I can’t imagine moving into a house without one ever again. I appreciate the

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Dogs plus UV air purifiers all around

Dogs plus UV air purifiers all around

I know my pal and I have more pets than ever now in this town. It seems like when I go out I see more pets walking than people, but I believe that is how it is in this town so I just need to accept it. I like pets, but when you go out

Contine Reading

Heating, Ventilation, and A/C in our camper

Heating, Ventilation, and A/C in our camper

In their previous camper this was an issue and my mother-in-law would need both the air conditioning system and a box fan blowing to even get the slightest bit comfortable to go to sleep My in-laws just got a brand current camper. They travel a lot and have invested in not only a current camper

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Ordering a family room table from a furniture builder

Ordering a family room table from a furniture builder

I became legitimately worried when I started shopping for a family room table; I was looking for furniture of especially fantastic quality. I wanted a sturdy table that could withstand the wear and tear of family meals every single afternoon. I have three teenagers who are messy. I can’t have a table that legitimately stains,

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