When people start telling me about their pets I have to disclose that I completely zone out.
It’s not that I hate critters or domesticated pets..; But I don’t want to hear about yours. If I wanted to talk about the critters that make our lives amazing, I would tell you about the critters that my friend and I had growing up, and as adults, I’m just not that interested in your obsessive prefer for some fur ball. This is why I had a tough time trying to tune in when my in-laws kept talking about their brand new rescue animal last weekend. I’m sure it’s a fine feline and we’ll make a perfectly fine pet for them. I just don’t care. In fact, the one thing that I did realize while they were talking about this new furry addition to their condo was what a wonderful excuse it was going to be for me, then you see, I suffer from significant indoor dust irritations. My lungs and mucous membranes get certainly irritated if I’m in the same indoor air as dust, dander, and pet hair, and unluckyly, this respiratory sensitivity limits the things that I can do in my life because I never want to be too far from an media air cleaner. When I rely on prescription dust sensitivity meds I still have sub par respiratory health. However, if I use high quality indoor media air cleaners my immune system and respiratory functioning are much better. Therefore, I don’t leave the comfort of my media air cleaner or HEPA air filters if I can help it. If I know that someone has a condo full of pets and no advanced air purification equipment, I know that I need to stay away from our house. Now that my in-laws have this furry cat… I guess I will not have to attend Christmas this year.