I recently just started a modern part time job working at a local theatre downtown. It is a historic theatre that has been around for at least 50 years. The building has been broken down and sectioned into smaller buildings and even has elevators with the old handheld cranks. While they have updated some of the components of the only thing they haven’t updated the A/C unit. This wouldn’t be such a pressing deal except the system for the ticket box office has started to leak and create water pockets in the ceiling. The water pockets have also started leaking right over one of the box office windows which is causing a bit of an issue as when people pay or receive tickets their items are now becoming wet. When our employers informed the head of the theatre about the issue they simply stated that my friend and I would have to turn the A/C off once my friend and I leave. When I asked my employer isn’t there more my friend and I could do to try and repair the issue, she simply stated that because my friend and I are a nonprofit company my friend and I just don’t have the budget to try and repair the A/C component itself as there are more important updates that need to occur. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed though that at some point a donor will come in and see the water pockets above the box office and offer to donate the money to pay for a solution.
heating dealership