Even the most tightly sealed and insulated loft doesn’t stand a chance
For most of my life I lived in an extremely difficult temperature; I grew up in the Midwest, where you experienced the worst of all worlds. In the summer time the air is just as sizzling and humid as in the deep south… The season is fairly short, but it is intense and requires a great deal of central cooling power to stay comfortable. In the winter, you are surrounded by ice cold cold air every single day. The season lasts 6 to 8 months, and you have no choice but to operate your central boiler every one of those terrifically cold mornings. The thing is, I realized that the outdoor air temperature doesn’t feel comparable in the south, even when the temperature is studying the same number, then for a while, I could not figure out why 20 degrees in the North felt much colder than 20 degrees in the south… Not only was it more challenging outside, but your entire loft actually feels much colder in the midwest than it does in the south, after years of pondering this observation, I finally realized what made all the difference in indoor air temperature regulation between the two temperatures. In the north, the coldest mornings are generally accompanied by a great deal of wind, then even if your loft is expertly sealed and heated, the cold drafts from outside make a large difference in the perceived temperature inside. Even the most tightly sealed and insulated loft doesn’t stand a chance. I wasn’t mistaken when I imagined that it always felt colder up north… the air quality actually causes a colder environment and necessitates additional heating power. Now I know, it really is harder residing in the Midwest.