Some people say that living on the beach is a pleasure.
This is true, however only when you are going to see the beach.
Anyone who owns a beach apartment knows that though the view & part may be welcoming the weather can be unpredictable & fierce. My family has experienced this first hand as my pal and I have last through at least three weird hurricanes. The most recent one was the worst. To begin with the hurricane itself didn’t seem like it was going to hit us too bad, so my father prepared the beach apartment in a correct manner. He turned off all the power including the air conditioning system & humidifier & then locationd sandbags around the windows & doors to ensure no flooding would occur. It wasn’t until a few hours before the hurricane hit that my pal and I realized the hurricane had shifted & was headed right towards our beach house. My mother & father were quite distraught because they sad that the weather would particularly take out the house. The hurricane quickly passed & my father again ventured out to the beach apartment to check up on everything, however, before even reaching the beach apartment he had hit a tough situation. The entire streets had been shut down as numerous power lines & electric companies had been hit so there wasn’t a way to get past the fallen cables. My father quickly called our neighbor to see if he could check on the house. It turns out my pal and I were fortunate & when our neighbor turned on our power just to check & the air conditioning system started up instantly. He then told us how jealous he was because his apartment was separate from power & the thick humid air was causing his apartment to get particularly uncomfortable. My father told him he’s more than welcome to stay at the beach apartment & use our air conditioning system & humidifier until his power came on.