Well the time has come.
- It’s nearly July which means that I need to be lining up my second job for the winter.
Unfortunately, I’m not one of those people who can work one full-time job all year and comfortably get by. Now, you might be thinking that I’m talking about getting a second job so I can afford to throw a massive Christmas for my family. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I literally I’m talking about obtaining money so I can be comfortable throughout the brutally cold winter that we experience every single year. You see, in this part of the country it is absolutely necessary to have a large forced air furnace incorporated in your central heating and cooling system. You really can’t get by with smaller heating systems or alternative forms of heating implements, such as space heaters. There is no choice except to operate a large centralized heating system on a daily basis if you want to survive the season. This means, you’re going to deal with sky high energy bills all season long. 4 months on end, I can expect that my budget will be completely destroyed by the electricity bill that I received in the mail. My forced air furnace requires constant use and it certainly isn’t an energy efficient model. As such, I start working a second job from September until February just to be able to afford my heat. Plus, having another place to go actually helps me cut down on my energy bill. It’s a few extra hours each day that I don’t mean to run my forced air furnace.