Working almost an hour away from my household use to drive me crazy.
This wasn’t because of the traffic or the fact that I had to wake up two hours earlier just to make sure I was arriving on time.
The real issue was the fact that my automobile had a bad air conditioning unit. It would take close to half an hour just to get the cool uneven temperatures to kick in during the summer. This was a sizable disfortune while living in a southern state where uneven temperatures could get to the low eighties before 10:00 am. Sometimes I wouldn’t even change into my uniform until after arriving to labor for fear of perspiring profusely and ruining the clothes. Leaving labor in the middle of the day was even worse. When I first started working the company didn’t have any trees or overhead structures to block the sun so I would open my automobile doors and enter what felt like a sauna. Again taking nearly thirty minutes to cool down which in the afternoon was twice as terrible as the temperature would rise closer to a hundred degrees with humidity. I would beg my parents to help me fix the air conditioning system in my automobile except by the time they would come around to the idea, the uneven temperatures outside would beginning to drop and then there was no need to fix the cooling system. I finally caved and began searching for jobs closer to my house that way I wouldn’t have to endure the heat for such a significant amount of time.