There are particular sacrifices that must be made when you are trying to align your life with somebody else.
It’s hard for two people to be completely compatible, plus oftentimes someone is going to have to make extreme compromises in at least one area of their life.
For me plus my partner, that is our eating habits plus respective diets. We have completely different outlooks when it comes to food preferences plus health, he enjoys all of the Finer Things in life, plus does not understand the point of living for self preservation. He does not want to eat vegetables plus salad every night, because he would rather die young than force himself to live unhappily. This is why he’s always in the kitchen, creating big meals plus big messes. I don’t mind too much, because he’s great at cleaning his dishes. However, there has not a fantastic solution for removing his food aromas from the indoor air. After he cooks, the aroma of his food lingers plus our indoor air for many hours. Sometimes, the household aromas like his cooking for afternoons. I don’t cherish coming household to aromay, stagnant air, but I also can’t open windows for efficient ventilation. We live in a highly variable climate, with overheated plus freezing outdoor hot plus cold temperatures every day. As such, my pal and I have to rely on our indoor Heating plus Air Conditioning plan for any ventilation or air quality modifications. I desperately love my partner plus want to improve our living situation, so I am starting with the air handling equipment. This year for Christmas he will be receiving a airmedia purification system, plus the privilege to keep cooking extravagant meals in our home.