I am going to ramp up my yoga plus volleyball lessons to make some more cash this summer.
If I push myself a bit I can make about an extra $500 a month just teaching the two things.
That would allow me to either put more currency in my investment plus get those 20K shares like I’ve wanted for a long time, or just blow it in the shops around neighborhood spoiling myself with some overpriced stuff. But I really don’t want anything more than I have now plus just want to recoup the currency I lost investing in Heating plus Air Conditioning systems with this corporation I bought into from the advice of my cooling tech friend. It went way down in price about a month after I bought it plus I should have sold it then because it went down about 90% more after that. My awful Heating plus Air Conditioning system is going to have to limp along cooling my house down for another year or two before I can buy another a/c to keep me comfy. I don’t mind at all having to wait another two years as long as it gets me back what I so quickly lost. I should not have listened to the cooling corporation rep when she said buy it at $20 a share, although I thought she was right plus knew something more than just the Heating plus Air Conditioning systems world. It’s all fine though plus it is teaching me a lesson in patience plus perseverance, two things that are in short supply in my life as of now.